Who we are
The Baby Journey was born after two midwives decided to set up the antenatal classes they wished they’d had.
Hannah and Jules are the proud parents of The Baby Journey, and are both working midwives who started out together at Cheltenham General in 2003.
Alice and Rosie, Emma and Jen joined the team of registered midwives to bring you The Baby Journey unique antenatal & parenting classes.
All the team have young children, which gives them a unique combination of midwife expertise plus mummy insight (basically a pretty good idea of what it’s like from both sides of the fence).
The whole point of The Baby Journey is to bring to you what you need as expecting and new parents….. so the team carried out thorough market research to ask real life parents of little babies what it was they were after and wished they’d known. And so The Baby Journey was born, and is to this day, committed to delivering a comprehensive and tailored service to meet the real needs of new parents.
Here at The Baby Journey HQ we believe that pregnancy and becoming a parent should be a magical and joyful experience (despite the fact that there is a lot of poo and tiredness involved). However, one size does not fit all, and every pregnancy, birth and start into parenthood will be unique. The Baby Journey work to give you the tools, confidence and support to find your own path on your baby journey.