The wonderful Rosie after one year with Team Baby Journey

1 year on…

Here we are, one year since I started teaching with The Baby Journey! It’s been such a fun and fulfilling year seeing so many lovely couples about to embark on the most incredible journey of all.
I remember way back in the days of the Baby Journey’s creation, admiring what Hannah and Jules had embarked upon and looking on with awe at how brave and creative and inspiring they were for following their dreams and starting a business doing what they love. I remember ‘liking’ their facebook page and writing them a message saying how proud they must be of the idea, helping parents become empowered and confident and bringing them together. I thought to myself ‘I’d love to work with them one day’. Fast forward 5 years and I get a message saying they want me in the team! I felt a bit like a kid at Christmas, I was so chuffed that I was cool enough to be in the gang, it’s a wonderful feeling knowing someone thinks you’re good enough at your job that they would trust you with their business!
It’s not just the work I was looking forward to, it was the whole thing, the friendship and being part of an awesome team. It hasn’t disappointed!
I’m so proud to be part of team Baby Journey, I think the work we do is brilliant. The classes, the social aspect, helping parents connect and become lifelong friends. Confidence is the key to birthing and parenting and this is gained through knowledge and supportive friendships, all of which are things we specialise in.
My highlight so far is seeing all the mums and babies at the coffee morning, all still friends, all meeting up regularly and some only a few months off their first birthday, meaning they were in one of my first classes! I had these friendships during my pregnancy and continue to do so, I know how important they are and I wouldn’t have come out the first year in one piece without them and I’m proud that I’m part of that for other parents.
I’m looking forward to what this year has in store for me and the lovely people I’m about to meet!
Thank you for having me team TBJ!

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