New Years Resolutions!
6th January 2014
Hello & welcome to the first blog of 2014 from The Baby Journey Team!
Where do we start? So much has happened! Christmas has now gone, the tree is looking sad outside in the garden and the batteries from the kids toys are running out already. The mini chedders have been scoffed, the cardboard is building up in the recycling bin and you felt all sentimental on New Year’s Eve (big softies!)
So whats 2014 going to bring you? A bigger bump? A crawling baby? A return to work? Here’s what it’s bringing us……
We would like to welcome a brand new member of the team, Becca. She has started teaching classes with us and is already proving to be an invaluable member of the TBJ team. She is a Midwife (currently working in Oxford) living in Cheltenham and has 2 small people of her own, Sophie & Teddy. She can’t function without a cuppa first thing in the morning, she’s a big dog lover and full of bright ideas!
She will be with us now as our business grows offering lots of new and exciting classes in Gloucestershire – Welcome Becca!
Hannah’s bump (nicknamed Lola) is growing really well and Hannah is looking radiant, albeit the heartburn. Just a few more weeks working for the NHS and then maternity leave (aka her ‘Gap’ year as quoted by Mr Hannah) begins. Lola is due to make an appearance at the end of February – we will of course keep you all posted on the intended new arrival. My guess March 3rd 7lb 10oz…….
We also have a lovely new venue at the Cheltenham Park Hotel – we were very sad to leave the Manor by the lake but planned renovation work their end and a growing classes our end meant pastures new were required. It should tick all the boxes though (nothing less than the best for our clients) lots of parking, great location, air con, heating, refreshments a plenty and course, The Baby Journey Team!
So did you have any new years resolutions then? Mine were to improve fitness and the old ‘lose weight’ cliche – so I have recently embarked on a fitness programme with the rather lovely Laura Milne ( in Cheltenham which is a great combination of exercise classes, sensible eating ideas and online support from a great group of people. So far I am 2 classes in and feeling healthier already (plus one class was at 6am and I haven’t seen that time in the morning since my babies were awake being fed!) So wish me luck as I plough through 2014, getting healthy and losing weight! I will keep you all posted on my progress, hopefully the results will be visible in a few weeks!
Our style night with the fabulous Kate Evans in December was a great success, it was lovely to see you all in Copa with (shock horror) NO changing bags/babies/prams – apparently we do all manage to stand up straight without a buggy! It’s important to try and factor in a little ‘me’ time, especially when baby arrives. To remember who you are and what your interested in. Maybe you might join in an exercise class (there were lots of mums at Laura’s sessions and buggies/children are welcome) or start a book club, or take up a new hobby (archery anyone?!) Remember that ‘happy mums = happy babies’ and sometimes that might mean 30 minutes once a week without them.
We are so looking forward to meeting our latest bunch of recruits tomorrow evening, if you are expecting a baby and you’re keen on learning more about birth and the first few months with your baby, then book onto one of our classes. They are practical, non-preachy and very honest (the sort of advice that your best friend would give you)
Remember that we also host scrummy coffee mornings at Wholefoods once a month (all bumps and babies welcome) and New Baby Workshops at The Queens Hotel covering baby massage, baby first aid and new mums fitness. You can book any of these through our website, so what are you waiting for – join in The Baby Journey fun!
See you all soon
Jules (& Hannah & Becca) xx