Neals Yard loveliness

We all get excited buying products for our growing bumps and new babies, many we realise we didn’t really need and some we have no idea how we’d cope without! When it comes to products to put ON our bumps and babies it’s usually best to keep it simple.

As Baby Journey Midwives, we are really big fans of the Seaweed and Arnica foaming bath soak. The healing properties of the arnica and the mineral rich seaweed are the perfect combination for your perineum after birth. It smells amazing and is good for tired muscles during the pregnancy too – so you might need more than one bottle!

During our classes we always look at lower back massage to help ease the aches and pains of late pregnancy and early labour. The NYR soothing massage oil is brilliant for this – so grab your birth partner and get practising. Use a small 10 pence sized amount and warm in your hand, the use small and firm circular motions at the base of the lower back, maybe try some shoulder massage too? Particularly good for easing tensions during those early night feeds.

We actually have 2 lovely consultants from Neal’s Yard Remedies to tell you about a few of the products that are great for both mum and baby, and as luck would have it they currently have a 20% off event running until midnight tomorrow. So if you’d like to order anything from the baby range or indeed any other NYR products, drop them a note telling them we sent you and they’ll also pop a little extra treat in for you too (whoop whoop!)

Over to you Katie, what are the essentials for Baby?

“Newborns need nothing more than NYRs Baby Balm to keep them free from nappy rash. If you like the idea of massaging your baby you can use the Pure Baby Oil.
When they are over 3 months old it’s nice to use the Baby Bath & Shampoo with a gorgeous blend of Chamomile and Lavender so super relaxing for the end of the day and also really good for their skin. You can keep it simple and stick to Baby Balm and Baby Bath & Shampoo. But if you like a barrier cream, they’ve got one of those two and you can be confident it’s full of good stuff. There’s also a Baby Massage Oil with a lovely blend of essential oils for a calming pre-bedtime massage and there’s a lotion too.”

Then Claire, What 3 things couldn’t you live without in your changing bag?

“Whether you are a first time mummy or you are an expanding family, we all need a few top tips for handbag essentials.
Energy remedies to roll – perfect for giving you that little natural energy boost for your pulse points.
The Bee lovely balm – amazing for those dry lips, just a little bit and you feel ready to face the day.
Hand defence spray – A natural, quick drying, gorgeous smelling hand spray – perfect for yours and little toddler hands too. My girls LOVE having this sprayed into their hands before snack and so do I! “

Katie is mum to 3 year old Leo and 6 month old Nina, and Claire is Mum to 4 year old Charlotte and 3 year old Katie. Both are Independent Consultants who work for themselves with NYR Organic, (you might be interested in doing the same, so could ask them about that too).

To contact Katie on FB – Or Insta –

To contact Claire on FB – Or Insta

Huge thanks to the lovely ladies from NYR for those top tips and product recommendations

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