Meet the team – Hannah
1st March 2017
10 questions and 10 answers with the lovely Hannah
*You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What colour would you be and why?
Red. Yellow. No, green. Maybe white. I don’t know. This is a really weird question. I love colours, is this some kind of strange psychological test?
*What’s your favorite ’90s jam?
Nirvana, Smells Like Teen Spirit.
*If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
A labrador, because I am loyal, and I love a cuddle and a stroll round the park.
*What inspires you?
My amazing parents and sisters; my wonderful husband; my beautiful children who teach me to see the world through their innocent joyous eyes; my lovely friends and fabulous business partner; all the incredible mothers and mothers-in-waiting I have the privilege to meet as a midwife and at TBJ; all the knock-out mumpreneurs I meet.
Oooh and Sarah Willingham, Karen Brady, Clemmie Hooper, the Innocent team and Barack Obama.
And the sea.
And coffee and chocolate and a bit of a chat.
(In fact, let’s have a party on the beach and enjoy the magic)
*Who would win a fight between Spiderman and Batman?
Batman. Obviously.
*What is your favourite crisp flavor?
Salt & vinegar. Cheap ones, posh ones, flat ones, ridgy ones, love them all.
*Best holiday destination ever?
Adored the Amalfi coast. Love Devon. Planning a trip to Paris. Daydreaming of taking Mr H to New York and the Maldives.
*Best thing about being a Mummy?
The beautiful hilarious little things they say in their tiny voices. Seeing them learn and flourish, and be proud of their own achievements. Watching their kindness. Feeling empowered to do anything because of the strength motherhood brings. The moment they reach for your hand with theirs and hold on. Their utter unconditional love for you just the way you are. Them whispering “I love you Mummy” as they cuddle you goodnight.
*Worst thing about being a Mummy?
Not being able to help them when they are in pain or somebody has hurt their feelings. The relentlessness when you want to press pause. Second guessing every choice you make and still feeling like you’re probably getting it all wrong. Feeling lonely but never alone.
* What’s your daily mantra?
Action not perfection.
Just keep swimming.
Be grateful and enjoy this.