Bringing baby home sweet home….

So, it doesn’t matter if your brand spanking new bundle of joy is 6 hours old, or 6 days old – leaving the hospital and heading home can be a big old mix of emotions.
There’s the excitement of finally going home – and then the anxious nerves wondering how you’re going to work it all out…..

So here are some of our thoughts on how to make the process go smoothly:

Car seats – make sure you know how the pesky straps lengthen and shorten. Practice with a teddy/doll before baby comes – ensuring it fits safely in the car. Look to the fire station who offer free car seat safety checks prior to babies arrival.

Painkillers. Make sure you are well covered for the journey home. Take some about an hour before you leave the hospital (if you can) so it’s as comfortable as it can be. Welcome back ibuprofen!

Pillows. If you’ve had a caesarean section, try placing a pillow over your tummy, then place the seat belt over the pillow for extra comfort.

Drive steady – make it a slow, careful and calm journey home. Even little bumps in the road can be painful.You might want to sit in the back with baby just to check on them for the journey home.

Visitors – limit how many people are going to embark on your house when you get finally get home (ideally aim for none!) Allow yourselves some quiet time to get to know this new little person. It makes tuning into their feeding ques and starting to establish feeding a bit easier.

Put the kettle one – make sure you’re well hydrated and you’ve planned for some tasty food – Deliveroo anyone?

Don’t forget the camera, record the moment you bring your little one home and over the threshold of their new family home. Magic!

and relax….. you’ve got this

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